Friday, February 28, 2020

International Marketing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Marketing Strategy - Essay Example The materials utilised for this purpose quickly gained acceptance as being top quality and therefore gave the business a unique position in the European marketplace. Both brothers being environmentally conscious, they quickly learned to procure industrial tarps known as tarpaulins and then transform these colourful and unique water-resistant covers into stylish, contemporary and trendy bags of many different varieties. Over time, the Freitag brothers realized that not only would their products perform well in this market, but were able to gain consumer demand in coverings for electronics, totes and purses, and other multi-purpose bag needs. Consumers were quickly attracted to the stylish and innovative designs crafted by transforming tarpaulins into useable and socially-relevant products, thus establishing a well-known brand name with an emphasis on quality as a primary marketing concept (Schwartz 2007, p.28). Freitag has just recently developed an internationalization strategy, prov iding products to Japan and England, which have both been eager and profitable markets. The main rationale for adopting an internationalization strategy: the products were being compared, by consumers, to very upscale brands such as Dolce & Gabbana and even Gucci due to their colours and variety. Thus, in the Swiss market where Freitag is headquartered, profit potential was the key driver for opening new international market opportunities. The long-term benefits of choosing England and Japan are currently unknown, since both of these export markets have not been functional long enough to establish a trend or statistical report on profitability and consumer interest; as well as evolutionary branding strategy. Much to the advantage of Freitag, there is a new market opportunity for these durable and fashionable products based on demographics and lifestyle of the Brazilian consumer. This market report describes the benefits of establishing a new operational strategy in Brazil as well as justification for why this represents an incredible market opportunity. 2. Situational Analysis This section describes the justification for establishing a new market presence in the emerging market of Brazil, including the PESTEL model and the Five Forces model as well as discussion of the cultural characteristics in Brazil that will benefit Freitag for new market entry. The political environment in Brazil does not currently maintain any known barriers to market entry, with the government supporting a free commerce system and without considerable restrictions to international trade and supply (Kelley 2009, p.6). Many large international companies, such as Wal-Mart, have found success in their internationalization strategies with cooperative government policies and limited tariffs or other trade restrictions. The Brazilian government currently desires more international trade relationships and provides incentives to businesses looking to expand their products to serve the Brazilian consumer market (Branson 2008, p.109). The economic environment is a considerable strength to justify new market entry in Brazil for Freitag. The Brazil consumer economy experienced a 7.5 percent growth rate in 2010 (much higher than international per country averages) and is considered the eighth largest national economy in the world (Mazza and Stul 2012, p.2). It is estimated that three million consumers in Brazil can actually afford luxury-priced goods and

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Lactase Enzyme Activity Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Lactase Enzyme Activity - Lab Report Example Microfuge tubes were selected and labeled according to the selected temperatures 00C, 250C, 400C, 600C, 800C and 1000C and each filled up with 0.5 lines with lactase solution. The solutions were then maintained at water baths with respective temperatures for five minutes after which milk was added to lactose solution up to 1.0 line using an alternate plastic pipette. The solution was left for ten minutes after which a glucose strip was placed into each of the test tubes for one second and allowed to sit on the bench for thirty seconds. The coloration of the glucose strip was then compared with the chart and the amount of glucose recorded in mg/dL. Seven microfuges were selected and labeled; 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, and 12, filled with appropriate pH buffer up to 0.5 line and 3 drops of milk added into each tube. The solution solutions in the seven tubes were then mixed by inverting the tubes three times after which 3 drops of lactase solution was added to each tube using a plastic pipette. All tubes were then incubated for 10 minutes in a water bath at 400C. A glucose strip was then placed in each test tube for one second, removed and left on the bench for thirty seconds and finally coloration compared to the chart provided. Two microfuge tubes were selected and labeled â€Å"L† and the other labeled â€Å"M†. Lactose and Maltose solutions were then added into the tubes labeled L and M respectively up to the 0.5 line. Lactase solution was then added into each tube up to 1.0 line and the mixture placed in 400C water bath for 10 minutes.