Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Mango Street Role Model - 774 Words

The Role of Role Models in The House on Mango Street The term role model may evoke images of superheroes, celebrities, or famous athletes. Positive role models are needed to give humans some type of direction in life, but what about a negative role model? A negative role model can be just as helpful as a so-called â€Å"positive† role model. It can be useful to look at an unpropitious person and use him or her as an example of what you do not want to become. The House on Mango Street, written by Sandra Cisneros, allows the reader to realize what a negative role model can teach. The main character Esperanza has a variety of role models in her life, some favorable and some unfavorable. Many are trapped in abusive relationships, waiting†¦show more content†¦Esperanza is able to look at her great grandmother and realize what she does not want to become, but also she realizes what she does want: to become a strong, independent woman. Esperanzas mother was also a very influ ential role model for Esperanza. Esperanza learns how important an education is by looking at her mothers situation. Her mother laments, â€Å"I could have been somebody, you know?† (91). Her mother could have had a better life and a better job if she continued to go to school, and she imparts this wisdom upon her daughter. â€Å"Esperanza, you go to school. Study hard† (91). Esperanza does not want to end up in her mothers situation. Without a proper education, a successful life is nearly impossible to achieve. Esperanzas mother teaches her the importance of being strong, educated, and independent: â€Å"Got to take care all your own† (91). Another role model Esperanza has is her neighbor, Alicia, the most positive influence she meets in the story. Alicia is a strong independent young woman who spends most of her days cooking and cleaning for her family because her mother passed away. â€Å"Alicia who inherited her mama’s rolling pin and sleepiness, is young and smart and studies for the first time at university† (31). Esperanza admires how smart Alicia is, and, from her, Esperanza learns that studying hard will better her life. Esperanza understands it will not be easy: â€Å"Two trains and a bus, because [Alicia]Show MoreRelatedPowerlessness In Sandra Cisneross The House On Mango Street846 Words   |  4 Pageswoman who is rooted in who she is but dreams to be someone else. She dreams to be another person, far away from her dreary life. Sandra Cisneros establishes that many young girls within the Hispanic culture represented in The House on Mango Street are forced into roles they do not wish to take, resulting in a loss of identity and ultimately, a sense of powerlessness in the girl without anyone to show her how to be powerful. 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